Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Devil Facial Tumor Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Devil Facial Tumor Disease - Essay Example As the report declares the DFTD is considered to have commenced in the Mount William National Park’s far north eastern region, from a prospect mutation. During 1996, Tasmanian devils with prominent facial tumors were snapped in the north-eastern Tasmania. After ten years, these features are found to be coherent with DFTD. This discussion declares that the cancer, DFTD, is found to be transmitted from one animal to another through biting either during fighting, eating or mating. It develops quickly, congesting the mouth of animal and then disseminates to other organs. The illness has consumed sixty percent of entire Tasmanian devils population since it was initially detected in 1996, and it has been predicted by some ecologists that it could efface the complete wild population till 2035. DFTD seems to be a cloned cell line, that is transmitted in the form of an allograft from one devil to another and this transmission may be found similar to that in CTVT and a communicable sarcoma infecting Syrian hamsters. The biology and prevalence of such vegetative cell parasites is typically unknown. The examinations of captivated Tasmanian devils suggest that this species has a tendency to develop tumors, specifically carcinomas. Nevertheless, DFTD is found to be significantly different from previously reported d evil cancers, and to determine its etiology is vital for the development of strategies to manage the disease.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Illusions Realities Ibsen Essay Example for Free

Illusions Realities Ibsen Essay Introduction In Ibsen’s The Wild Duck, illusions and reality are set into a conflict within the story of a son’s personal desire to confront idealism. Throughout much of the play, the son, Greger, argues the value of truth with the reluctant Dr. Relling. Relling insists on the importance of illusions, but fails to discourage Greger’s intentions and a play that begins as a comedy quickly turns into a tragedy because of these conflicts. At the heart of the illusions in this play are the ways that people assume many roles in a family, impersonating multiple ideals as ways for managing their relationships. This theme of impersonation is also developed in Ibsen’s Ghosts, where family relations are slowly undone as the illusions and deceptions are stripped away. In both plays, deceptions are strategic and designed to protect the children from the pains and struggles of their families’ histories. Ultimately, in these plays, families are held together by illusions, yet torn apart by truths that have been concealed to protect the children. Illusions and Realism In The Wild Duck, as Relling continues to discourage Greger from revealing damaging truths about family secrets, Relling insists, If you take away make-believe from the average man, you take away happiness as well (Ibsen, 294). Relling is referring to the ways the Ekdal family is structured on particular deceptions; however, these are designed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty. Hedvig, the fourteen year old daughter, represents one of the innocents, and Greger’s father, Old Werle, represents a part of the guilty side. The key to these dualisms of false and truth, innocent and guilty, illusion and reality, lies in Ibsen’s art of realism, which was a staging of the complicated threads that hold ordinary lives together. Within the ordinary lives of the families in Ghosts and The Wild Duck are tales of infidelity, corruption, greed, lust, disease, and other afflictions that characterize family secrets. For example, in Ghosts, the mother, Mrs. Alving, reveals the ways she has protected her son Oswald from the truths of her unhappy marriage. She tells her friend and priest, Manders, â€Å"†¦Yes, I was always swayed by duty and consideration for others; that was why I lied to my son, year in and year out. Oh, what a coward I have been† (315). Manders responds, â€Å"You have built up a happy illusion in your son’s mind, Mrs. Alving – and that is a thing you certainly ought not to undervalue,† (315) echoing Dr. Relling’s belief that illusions are sometimes more than a question of reality. In both plays, the deeper questions are about whose reality matters, and who may determine another person’s reality. Relling accuses Greger of having a plague of â€Å"†¦integrity-fever; and then whats worse you are always in a delirium of hero-worship; you must always have something to adore, outside yourself,† which Greger agrees to, without considering the consequences of this claim (297). In fact, Greger’s certainty about the dangers of illusions provokes the young Hedvig into an emotional despair, and she kills herself. The issues presented in this play are not about what is true, or false, but about the ways people build their lives on the past. Hedvig’s father, Hialmar, protects his daughter from truths that concern the actions of others, with consequences that have indirectly affected her life. In Ghosts, Mrs. Alving is protecting her son from truths that, in the end, have consequences on Oswald’s life, as he has inherited syphilis from his philandering father. The climaxes of these two stories result in the deaths of Hedvig, and Oswald and both deaths come about as a result of their learning the truths of their pasts. In each of these plays, the reality is what destroys the characters. Once the life illusions are taken away, there is nothing for the individuals to hold onto. As the illusions are shattered, reality becomes impossible to endure. Ultimately, by using realism to portray the value of illusions, Ibsen produces complicated questions about what is real and what is sometimes a necessary illusion. Conclusion Both The Wild Duck, and Ghosts are tragedies that involve what might be understood as â€Å"the sins of the fathers;† however, Ibsen seems to suggest that some truths are better maintained as illusions. In both plays, the truth destroys the lives of those who have been protected from the past and in both cases the past involves relationships that have indirect consequences on the children’s understandings of their lives. In the end, whether it is right or wrong to maintain the illusions is not as significant as the question of who has the right to determine what is real, and what is true for others. Works Cited Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"The Wild Duck,† Four Great Plays by Henrik Ibsen, NY: Bantam Books. Henrik Ibsen, â€Å"Ghosts,† Playreader’s Repertory, M. R. White and F. Whiting, Eds. , London: Foresom and Company.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Religious Figures Who Defied Reason Through Faith: Saint Bernadette of Lourdes :: Essays Papers

Religious Figures Who Defied Reason Through Faith: Saint Bernadette of Lourdes Saint Bernadette of Lourdes is not originally one whom the people of her time would expect to become a religious figure that could see holy apparitions and guide others into miraculous experiences. Contrarily, she was born to a family that experiences hardships and a great deal of misfortunes. Her family loses their money through bad investments and kind-heartedness, three of her siblings die at birth, and her father passes away leaving the family to fend for themselves. It almost seems as if the family is "destined to relive the fate of Job".1 Like Job in the bible, they experience many trials and tribulations, but hold steadfast to their beliefs. Little did the Soubouris family know that Bernadette would become a saint loved and revered by thousands in the Catholic Church. Bernadette will become a subject of controversy to some, being tested by powers of authority in the church and community, but is able to prove herself true and sane through her unyielding faith. The apparitions that would change Bernadette’s life and cause others to question her integrity and sanity first appear to her on February of 1858. Bernadette, her sister Toinette, and a friend, Jeanne Abadie go out to find wood the grotto. Although Bernadette’s mother objects to her going out in the cold weather due to her asthma, Bernadette pleads and wins her way. While out searching for wood in the grotto, Bernadette hears a gust of wind but nothing is moving. She goes to investigate and reports seeing a "gentle light" which continues to brighten.2 Next, she sees an apparition of a girl or young lady dressed in white smiling at her. The apparition first causes Bernadette to doubt what she is seeing is real, but she soon realizes that it is. When that apparition ends, she has a feeling of happiness and continues about the task, perplexed to what she has just experienced. Bernadette later confides the secret of the apparition to Toinette, but Toinette betrays her and tells their mother of what Bernadette had witnessed. The mother is disturbed and doubtful of Bernadette’s vision, and forbids her to go back to the grotto again. The father feels the same, but also feels that the family, which is already experiencing a time of hardship, would be vulnerable to ridicule if Bernadette’s story were to get out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lunar Phases Essay

Lunar phase (or Moon phase) refers to the appearance of the illuminated portion of the Moon as seen by an observer, usually on Earth. The lunar phases vary cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth, according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. One half of the lunar surface is always illuminated by the Sun (except during lunar eclipses), and is hence bright, but the portion of the illuminated hemisphere that is visible to an observer can vary from 100% (full moon) to 0% (new moon). The boundary between the illuminated and unilluminated hemispheres is called the terminator.The lunar effect is a theory which overlaps into sociology, psychology and physiology suggesting that there is correlation between specific stages of the Earth’s lunar cycle and deviant behavior in human beings. It is a pseudoscientific theory, however. The claims of a correlation of lunar phases to human behavior do not hold up under scientific scrutiny. Over the past 30 years, even more evidence has emerged to stress that this is pseudoscience. The theory is sometimes also referred to as the Transylvanian hypothesis or the Transylvanian effect in scholarly literature.The notion behind the lunar effect has fascinated many behavioralists and warranted many experiments and studies. Most experiments, however, have found no correlation between the variables and, thus, refuted the theory.There are some studies which have results the researchers claimed supported the theory. For example, a study concluded that schizophrenic patients show signs of deterioration, in terms of quality of life and mental well-being, during the time of a full moon. Some researchers have claimed that there were strong positive correlations between physiological changes such as induced seizures in epileptic and non-epileptic people and the full moon period in studies they conducted. One study concluded that a statistically significant correlations for gastrointest inal bleeding among males in particular during this time. However, most of these findings are based on small-scale research. On the other hand, the majority of scientific research seems to refute the theory of the lunar effect. Psychologist Ivan Kelly of the University of Saskatchewan (with James Rotton and Roger Culver) did a meta-analysis of thirty-seven studies that examined relationships between the moon’s four phases and human behavior. The meta-analysis revealed no correlation. They also checked twenty-three studies that had claimed to show correlation, and nearly half of these contained at least one statistical error. Kelly, Ronnie Martins, and Donald Saklofske evaluated twenty-one studies of births related to the phase of the moon and found no correlation. The scientific data â€Å"supports the view that there is no causal relationship between lunar phenomena and human behavior†. (Diefendorf 2007:113)A study of 4,190 suicides in Sacramento County over a 58-year period showed no correlation to the phase of the moon. A 1992 paper by Martens, Kelly, and Saklofske reviewed twenty studies examining correlations between Moon phase and suicides. Most of the twenty studies found no correlation and the ones that did report positive results were inconsistent with each other. Psychologist Arnold Lieber of the University of Miami reported a correlation of homicides in Dade County to moon phase, but later analysis of the data — including that by astronomer George Abell — did not support Lieber’s conclusions. Kelly, Rotton, and Culver point out that Lieber and Carolyn Sherin used inappropriate and misleading statistical procedures. When more appropriate tests were done, no correlation between homicides and the phase of the moon was found.Astronomer Daniel Caton analyzed 70,000,000 birth records from the National Center for Health Statistics, and no correlation between births and moon phase was found. Kelly, Rotton, and Culver report that Caton examined 45,000,000 births and found a weak peak around the third quarter phase of the Moon, while the full moon and new moon phases had an average or slightly below average birth rate.In 1959 Walter and Abraham Menaker reported that a study of over 510,000 births in New York City showed a 1 percent increase in births in the two weeks after full moon. In 1967 Walter Menaker studied another 500,000 births in New York City, and this time he found a 1 percent increase in births in the two-week period centered on the full moon. In 1973 M. Osley, D. Summerville, and L. B. Borst studied another 500,000 births in New York City, and they reported a 1 percent increase in births before the full moon. In 1957 Rippmann analyzed 9,551 births in Danville, PA and found no correlation between the birth rate and the phase of the moon.A fifteen month study in Jacksonville, Florida also revealed at least no lunar effect on crime and hospital room admittance. In particular:There was no increase in crime on full moons, according to a statistical analysis by the Jacksonville Police Department. Five of the fifteen full moons had a higher than average rate of crime while ten full moons had a lower than average rate. The higher-than-average days were during warmer months. Statistical analysis of visits to Shands Hospital emergency room showed no full moon effect. Emergency room admissions consistently have more to do with the day of the week.The word â€Å"menstruation† is etymologically related to â€Å"moon†. The terms â€Å"menstruation† and â€Å"menses† are derived from the Latin mensis (month), which in turn relates to the Greek mene (moon) and to the roots of the English words month and moon—reflecting the fact that the moon also takes close to 28 days to revolve around the Earth (actually 27.32 days). The synodical lunar month, the period between two new moons (or full moons), is 29.53 days long. Some authors believe women in traditional societies without nightlighting ovulated with the full moon and menstruated with the new moon. A few studies in both humans and animals have found that artificial light at night does influence the menstrual cycle in humans and the estrus cycle in mice (cycles are more regular in the absence of artificial light at night), though none have demonstrated the synchronization of women’s menstrual cycles with the lunar cycle. One author has suggested that sensitivity of women’s cycles to nightlighting is caused by nutritional deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals. Other animals’ menstrual cycles may be greatly different from lunar cycles: while the average cycle length in orangutans is the same as in humans—28 days—the average for chimpanzees is 35 days. Some take this as evidence that the average length of humans’ cycle is most likely a coincidence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Unit 1 Business Enviroment

Describe how John Lewis would be influenced by economic factors in a time of economic recession and economic growth in the UK economy The two economic environments that I would be describing about are recession and growth on the business activities of John Lewis. Growth occurs when more goods are being produced and consumed, and also incomes are rising. During growth people spend more money on goods and services as they have more money to spend and also businesses would invest more and hire more labour as it links to increasing demand.Recession however occurs when people involved in business become more cautious so they cut their spending down and also cut back on their orders as well as making workers unemployed or redundant. Growth affects the business activities for John Lewis because just as economy can change for a business so can demand for products and both could be associated with each other. During periods of growth you expect to see a fairly high demand for John Lewisâ€⠄¢ good quality products so customers and potential customers would buy as during this time customers behaviours over money is more care free compared to when its in a period of recession.Mostly you could see John Lewis looking into recruiting more workers as since demand can increase a lot during the growth environment they’ll need more workers to spread out the job load for the employees otherwise if the business didn’t and just overloaded a employee with workload it could de-motivate that worker a lot it would contradict with the theory of Frederick Herzberg about the 5 factors to bring the potential to satisfy in a worker and the other 5 factors to motivate a worker after the you fulfil the factors that bring the potential to satisfy first.Or John Lewis could get the employees internally through transferring existing employees from other John Lewis branches of which are not at a so busy period as some other branches. Since customers and potential customers become m ore care free on how they spend their money, this is the period within the economy where you’re mostly likely to see customer switching back to their normal spending traits and return to spending money happily on good quality products, so demand in substitute products would decrease around this period.This will benefit John Lewis as sales for the good quality products would be increasing which furthermore could lead to John Lewis recovering from their losses if they were in one and go into break even or begin to start getting profits. John Lewis would buy more stock from its suppliers at this period of the economic environment as when demand increases you must get more supply to meet that demand.Also John Lewis at the time since they buy in bulk from their suppliers they can benefit from getting more stock at a good price that gives good value for money, as usually suppliers would offer you extra amounts of stock if you buy in large quantities.During this period of time inter est rates would be low compared to in recession because there isn’t as much financial institutions to try get as much finance as they can from small amounts of borrowings from their company in this period as customers, business etc intend to borrow more money in this period of time as they are fairly financially stable, so to encourage the businesses and customers to begin taking sources of finance they lower the rates. So John Lewis is more likely to start borrowing sources of finance if needed then in the period of growth.Recession affects the business activities for John Lewis because in recessions it causes a drop within demand for most good quality products potential customers and customers use to buy before. As during this period of time customer’s behaviours change to usually only spending on good quality products for what they essentially need but nevertheless if it was a want customers usually look for a substitute product that still meets the needs and purpos e of a particular product but is just found at a cheaper price because of the type of brand it is etc.As usually this is when we see customers taking more care of their money and become more cautious on what they spend their money on. When customers change their behaviour in spending it would affect also John Lewis as since it’s concentrated solely on selling good quality products at high prices they would suffer from a reduced amount of income coming into the business at times of recession. Therefore businesses would usually cover their losses and begin unemploying workers at the business so it reduces businesses costs in the long term.As a result John Lewis may start encountering losses during this period of economic recession as most of the products they sell are high quality products which are sold at its reasonable valued price so the price may still be high for most existing customers at the time, therefore sales in these products would reduce. The methods John Lewis wo uld try to recover from the losses in the short term would be to begin unemploying workers and making other employees redundant.However, in recession John Lewis would have a drawback of not benefiting at all from their suppliers as since demand is falling they would buy smaller quantities of stock so you will no longer benefit from getting extra stock as you didn’t buy in bulk, so value for money decreases and also you will still be charged for full price deliveries etc as you have to pay for their transport, and the amount you pay is determined by how much they have to travel.In recessions we see interest rates intend to be high as financial institutions would like to benefit as much as they can from small amounts of finance borrowed therefore it can help the economy get out this economic environment quicker. M2 – Compare the challenges faced by John Lewis in the periods of growth and recession Challenges faced by John Lewis in economic period of growth are maintainin g a high performance team, managing cash flow and knowing when to say no to the right or wrong opportunities.Managing cash flow is a challenge for John Lewis because when they enter the period of growth they must manage their cash inflows and outflows on a daily basis and avoid getting too engaged in the change of economic environment. Maintaining a high performance team is a challenge faced by John Lewis because they must first make sure they are hiring the right talented people for the job as well to train the employees to the degree of what high performance means for John Lewis. This is very time consuming and costs a lot of money.Knowing when to say no to the right or wrong opportunities is a challenge for John Lewis because good opportunities will strengthen things about John Lewis and will end in a convincing value plan. Whereas bad opportunities will do the opposite to John Lewis and bring their business reputation down and will bring problems to the business. So overall, kno wing when to say could determine the business’ future and is very time consuming as you must think thoroughly about the decisions the business as a whole is going to make.John Lewis faced challenges in the recession in our economic environments of which are increased unemployment, economic uncertainty and the engagement of employees. Increased unemployment is a big challenge for the recruiting department of John Lewis because as unemployment is rising so are the number of applicants looking for jobs therefore the recruitment department would need to work even harder to make sure the select the right talented worker as well go through all the application. This is time consuming and costs the business money.Economic uncertainty is a challenge for John Lewis because since government spending is reducing, debt crisis and looming threat of recession are occurring; John Lewis can’t manage to keep reducing their costs forever so they direct their new attention into growth and expansion in order to find a method to get out of the period of recession. Engagement of employees to John Lewis because during difficult economic periods their employees must be supported well and efficiently so labour productivity can stay at a fairly stable level to keep the business running properly.So overall challenges faced in recession are tougher than challenges in growth for John Lewis because more money tends to goes out of the business rather than in as during the recession they have to pay redundancy, deal with loads of applications for jobs, pay the usual business running costs as well as lower prices for their products and services customers are more cautious over their spending. Whereas during the growth period money coming into the business and out can seem to break even or you will get more money coming in then out.This is because during growth customers’ behavior over spending tends to be more carefree and also John Lewis won’t have to keep their lo wered prices like in recession because they could still manage to sell their products and services at a higher cost. Also in growth since demand is likely to be higher, business costs for stock and materials will be better value for money than to recession as you don’t buy in bulk as much during recession periods unless the product or service is a substitute to expensive versions of the product or service. So John Lewis could benefit more from their suppliers during growth periods.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sedentism, Community-Building, Began 12,000 Years Ago

Sedentism, Community-Building, Began 12,000 Years Ago Sedentism refers to the decision made first by humans at least 12,000 years ago to start living in groups for long periods of time. Settling down, picking a place and living in it permanently for at least part of the year, is partially but not entirely related to how a group gets required resources. This includes gathering and growing food, stone for tools, and wood for housing and fires. Hunter-Gatherers and Farmers In the 19th century, anthropologists defined two different lifeways for people beginning in the Upper Paleolithic period. The earliest lifeway, called hunting and gathering, describes people who were highly mobile, following herds of animals like bison and reindeer, or moving with normal seasonal climatic changes to collect plant foods as they ripened. By the Neolithic period, so the theory went, people domesticated plants and animals, necessitating permanent settlement to maintain their fields. However, extensive research since then suggests that sedentism and mobility - and hunter-gatherers and farmers - were not separate lifeways but rather two ends of a continuum that the groups modified as circumstances required. Since the 1970s, anthropologists use the term complex hunter-gatherers to refer to hunter-gatherers who have some elements of complexity, including permanent or semi-permanent residences. But even that doesnt encompass the variability that is now apparent: in the past, people changed how mobile their lifestyles were depending on circumstances, sometimes due to climatic changes, but for a range of reasons, from year to year and decade to decade. What Makes a Settlement Permanent? Identifying communities as permanent ones is somewhat difficult. Houses are older than sedentism. Residences such as brushwood huts at Ohalo II in Israel and mammoth bone dwellings in Eurasia occurred as early as 20,000 years ago. Houses made of animal skin, called tipis or yurts, were the homestyle of choice for mobile hunter-gatherers throughout the world for an unknown period of time before that. The earliest permanent structures, made from stone and fired brick, were apparently public structures rather than residences, ritual places shared by a mobile community. Examples include the monumental structures of Gobekli Tepe, the tower at Jericho, and the communal buildings at other early sites such as Jerf el Ahmar and Mureybet, all in the Levant region of Eurasia. Some of the traditional features of sedentism are residential areas where houses were built close to one another, large-scale food storage and cemeteries, permanent architecture, increased population levels, non-transportable toolkits (such as massive grinding stones), agricultural structures such as terraces and dams, animal pens, pottery, metals, calendars, record-keeping, slavery, and feasting. But all of these features are related to the development of prestige economies, rather than sedentism, and most developed in some form prior to permanent year-round sedentism. Natufians and Sedentism The earliest potentially sedentary society on our planet was the Mesolithic Natufian, located in the Near East between 13,000 and 10,500 years ago (BP). However, much debate exists about their degree of sedentism. Natufians were more or less egalitarian hunter-gatherers whose social governance shifted as they shifted their economic structure. By about 10,500 BP, the Natufians developed into what archaeologists call Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic as they increased in population and reliance on domesticated plants and animals and began living in at least partially year-round villages. These processes were slow, over periods of thousands of years and intermittent fits and starts. Sedentism arose, quite independently, in other areas of our planet at different times. But like the Natufians, societies in places such as Neolithic China, South Americas Caral-Supe, the North American Pueblo societies, and the precursors to the Maya at Ceibal all changed slowly and at different rates over a long period of time. Sources Asouti, Eleni. A Contextual Approach to the Emergence of Agriculture in Southwest Asia: Reconstructing Early Neolithic Plant-Food Production. Current Anthropology, Dorian Q. Fuller, Vol. 54, No. 3, The University of Chicago Press Journals, June 2013. Finlayson, Bill. Architecture, sedentism, and social complexity at Pre-Pottery Neolithic A WF16, Southern Jordan. Steven J. Mithen, Mohammad Najjar, Sam Smith, Darko MariÄ ević, Nick Pankhurst, Lisa Yeomans, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, May 17, 2011.   Inomata, Takeshi. Development of sedentary communities in the Maya lowlands: Coexisting mobile groups and public ceremonies at Ceibal, Guatemala. Jessica MacLellan, Daniela Triadan, Jessica Munson, Melissa Burham, Kazuo Aoyama, Hiroo Nasu, Flory Pinzà ³n, Hitoshi Yonenobu, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, April 7, 2015. Railey, Jim A. Reduced Mobility or the Bow and Arrow? Another Look at Expedient Technologies and Sedentism. Volume 75, Issue 2, American Antiquity, January 20, 2017. Reed, Paul F. Sedentism, Social Change, Warfare, and the Bow in the Ancient Pueblo Southwest. Phil R. Geib, Wiley Online Library, June 17, 2013. Rosen, Arlene M. Climate change, adaptive cycles, and the persistence of foraging economies during the late Pleistocene/Holocene transition in the Levant. Isabel Rivera-Collazo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, March 6, 2012.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mongols essays

Mongols essays Many documents give way to the Mongols way of life, their social order, and their war tactics. Most of the people whom them conquered saw them only as a ruthless and cruel society, whereas, the people living and working within the empire told of much tolerance and prosperity. The Mongols, whether seen as vicious conquerors or as a vast empire with much cultural diversity, caused many to seem them in different ways. In both the works of Marco Polo and Rashid al-Din the view of the Mongols was that they should be held in great esteem and that they had a great and vast empire. Marco Polo specifically talked of the great amounts of riches held within the kingdom. The quantity and richness of the plate... (Marco Polo) is just an example of how lavishly he described the region and its goods. He spoke of how efficient the road systems were and how easy travel was on them. The fact, though is, he probably had a slightly bias opinion because he was a high-ranking official of the Mongol court and it would look good for him to have writing of the wonders of the empire. The same bias is held true for Rashid al-Din who was a Persian historian but who was also a high official. He wrote about Chinggis Khans son, Ogedei. He praised him much throughout the account of him. Claiming that, He never neglected any measure designed to strengthen the framework of peace.... But, we must look at the works of B oth Marco Polo and Rashid and realize that they were written, probably to gain only for themselves in the mind of the emperor. There is still, though, probably some truth within them, but mostly it was elaborating on the positive aspects of the region or person, while pushing aside the negative. Taking a completely different turn though was the account by the Russians on the Mongol envisions. The Russians referred to them as the godless Tartars, showing their dislike for their lack of ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Divergent Evolution

Divergent Evolution The definition of evolution is a change in a population of a species over time. There are many different ways that evolution can happen in a population including both artificial selection and natural selection. The evolutionary path a species takes can also differ depending on the environment and other biological factors. One of these paths of macroevolution is called divergent evolution. In divergent evolution, a single species interbreeds, either through natural means or artificially chosen traits and selective breeding, and then that species begins to branch off and become a different species. Over time as the two new different species continues to evolve, they become less and less similar. In other words, they have diverged. Divergent evolution is a type of macroevolution that creates more diversity in species in the biosphere. Catalysts Sometimes, divergent evolution occurs through chance happenings over time. Other cases of divergent evolution become necessary for survival in a changing environment. Some circumstances that can drive divergent evolution include natural disasters like volcanoes, weather phenomena, the spread of disease, or an overall climate change in an area in which the species lives. These changes make it necessary for the species to adapt and change in order to survive. Natural selection will select the trait that is more beneficial for the species survival. Adaptive Radiation The term adaptive radiation is also sometimes used interchangeably with divergent evolution. However, most science textbooks agree that adaptive radiation is focused more on the microevolution of a rapidly reproducing population. Adaptive radiation may lead to divergent evolution over time as the new species become less similar, or diverge, in different directions on the tree of life. While it is a very fast type of speciation, divergent evolution generally takes more time. Once a species has diverged via adaptive radiation or another microevolutionary process, divergent evolution will occur more quickly if there is some sort of physical barrier or a reproductive or biological difference that keeps the populations from interbreeding once again. Over time, significant differences and adaptations can add up and make it impossible for the populations to ever interbreed again. This may be caused by a change in chromosome number or as simple as incompatible reproduction cycles. An example of adaptive radiation that led to divergent evolution is Charles Darwins finches. Even though their overall appearances seemed to be similar and were clearly descendants of the same common ancestor, they did have different beak shapes and were no longer able to interbreed in nature. This lack of interbreeding and the different niches the finches had filled on the Galapagos Islands led the populations to become less and less similar over time. Forelimbs Perhaps an even more illustrative example of divergent evolution in the history of life on Earth is the forelimbs of mammals. Even though whales, cats, humans, and bats all are very different morphologically and in the niches they fill in their environments, the bones of the forelimbs of these different species are a great example of divergent evolution. Whales, cats, humans, and bats clearly cannot interbreed and are very different species, but the similar bone structure in the forelimbs indicate they once diverged from a common ancestor. Mammals are an example of divergent evolution because they became very dissimilar over a long period of time, yet still retain similar structures that indicate they are related somewhere on the tree of life. The diversity of species on Earth has increased over time, not counting the periods in the history of life where mass extinctions occurred. This is, in part, a direct result of adaptive radiation and also divergent evolution. Divergent evolution continues to work on the current species on Earth and leading to even more macroevolution and speciation.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Partisan Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Partisan Politics - Essay Example This thereby led to the establishment of two different political factions the republicans and the federalists. The republicans were proponents of limiting the federal government powers and giving the state more authority thereby expanding popular participation in politics. The federalists on the other hand strongly supported the national government and international ties especially with Great Britain and pushed for more power to be handed to the federal government. This paper looks at the Federalists views and the main motivator or the reasons why the Federalists pushed for a central government in the United States. The Federalist Party was supported mainly because of seven main issues which the party members deemed important for a great American nation. First there was the funding of the public debt which the Federalists saw necessary for the greater American nation. The Federalist asserted that the fund would help in times of public danger especially from foreign war and to increase the respectability of the American nation (Kincaid, 2011). The consolidated fund of the American nation would also promote trade and also agriculture and manufacturing. The economic advantages also included the lowered interest of money due to the huge pool of money thereby reducing the ratio. The Federalists argued that the public funding would not only benefit the American nation but also the states as the-y were also beneficiaries of the fund. The second aspect was the U.S relations with Great Britain and France who contributed hugely to the economy of United States (Sawyer, 1952). The taxation on imports and i nternal tax on some of the goods raised government revenue. It was therefore the responsibility of the national government to maintain ties with Great Britain and France who contributed largely to the economy of the United States and the Federalists were proponents of this platform. In

What Is the Meaning of Business Organization Assignment

What Is the Meaning of Business Organization - Assignment Example In this type of organization, it is not easy to manipulate directly and decision are made through political processes, the development of an informal organization is based on the day to day interactions and they change when people find new easier and time-saving ways of doing things. (Dickson 1939) The informal organization has an advantage over the formal sector in that it is flexible and will respond quickly to changing circumstances, this type of organization encourage cooperation through the existing norms and obligations. (Dore 1983). We can, therefore, differentiate the formal and informal organization by the way rules are set, the existence of a written document containing the rules, their flexibility to change and the execution of the rules. In the informal organization, there are high levels of human interactions and communication is based on informal relationships within the organization, this is in contrast with the formal organization where communication is formal. Another difference between the two is that hierarchy in the informal organization is not observed whereas in the formal the hierarchy of offices has to be observed. The formal sector has the advantage that the rules are set by those with authority and these rules are executed with minimum opposition, they also have the responsibility of making decisions in the organization. In the informal sector, rules are made from the day to day interactions and this influences their flexibility, this organizations will change quickly in case of any chants organization tons and if they find new ways of doing things. Decisions are made through a political process and therefore this organization has a very low risk of making wrong decisions that would lead to great losses.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 9

Operations Management - Essay Example The manner of creating these goods and services is the purview of operations management. As a field of endeavour, operations management â€Å"deals with the design and management of products, processes, services, and supply chains. It considers the acquisition, development, and utilization of resources that firms need to deliver the goods and services their clients want.† (MIT Sloan School of Management, 2009) It may be said that the operations function is the heart and soul of business. It is that organizational activity which actually gives birth to the good or service which is the reason for the firm’s existence. The operations manager stands at the helm of the operations department, and plans, organizes, directs and controls its performance. He determines, in line with the organization’s overall goals, the strategic, tactical, and operational activities undertaken. Strategic issues involve the implementation of long-term goals of the corporation, and are usually decided upon by the corporation’s board of directors, or the owner or proprietor of the small firm. Issues decided by the operations manager that are within the scope of strategic management are those that yield decisions of a relatively permanent nature, and usually require substantial capital outlay. They include determining the size of the manufacturing plants or the capacity of the equipment, as well as their location, deciding which telecommunications networks to have installed, and designing technology supply chains. Should the operations manager make a mistake in planning and implementing strategic issues, it would profoundly compromise the company’s survival. The operations manager also deals with tactical issues the operations manager. These decisions involve the relatively medium-term prospects of the business, and while not as far-ranging as strategic issues, could also entail a substantial loss for the

Case study ( community nutrition) child nutrition program Essay

Case study ( community nutrition) child nutrition program - Essay Example Recent studies have shown that 40% of calories taken by the children in school lunch come from fats, which is highly undesirable as fats should not contribute more than 30% of total calorie intake, and of that less than 10 percent should be from saturated fats. Such eating habits coupled with lack of physical activity have invariably led to increase in incidence of obesity among school children with 12 percent high school students and 14 percent elementary school students falling prey to obesity, considering students with weights greater than 85th percentile for their age. The decrease in physical activity has mainly been due to reduction in number of physical activity periods from once a day to twice a week due to increased burden of studies, which eats into the time that should ideally be left for allowing school children to play or exercise. So the solution lies in making students more aware of usefulness sports and exercises play in their lives, promoting healthy eating habits, i ncreasing incentives to eat healthier foods, banning fried or fast foods from school canteens and organising programs aiming at correcting false eating habits. As the director the Child Nutrition Program I have identified elementary school going children as the ones with the greatest risk factors. They have levels of obesity standing at 14 percent. Considering the importance of inculcating the right habits at a early stage with regards to eating and physical activity they should be the prime focus group. Also these children are very impressionable but not exposed to the latest findings and research on healthier and better ways of living, therefore, they can easily be mislead by the marketing world who target children of this age group as their prime consumer base. The approach for such a pilot program should be multifaceted. There is a need to create a general

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Honky Tonk Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Honky Tonk Music - Essay Example The Honky Tonk music was loud music coupled with strong dance beats and electrification of instruments. It represented the fact that live in the country was changing and people were adapting a honky tonk life (Kingsbury, McCall and Rumble, 2012).The Honky Tonk music was specifically popular among the poor industrial workers who were primarily working in the oil fields among the Gulf Coast. Honky Tonk music was frequently heard in the local taverns where the industrial workers usually came. This gave the music an image steeped in alcoholism and drunkenness. In terms of gender, the Honky Tonk music was strongly masculine. This was mainly because it represented the African American industrial workers who were predominately males. The music industry, at that point of time, was dominated by men. Their views were generally exposed in most of the songs while women represented a very small part of the entire music industry. Solo women singers were looked down upon in the music industry. Women, at that point of time, were still mainly confined to their homes. Men in Honky Tonk music were portrayed as modern while women were rural. This music had very few female star such as Rose Maddox and Wanda Jackson. It was later in the 1980s that female stars began to experiment with this style. Even thus, masculinity was a main theme of the style. The Honky Tonk music evolved mainly as a result of the changing society. Most of the southern labor was moving to cities and industrial areas to enjoy the perks offered by city life. These people were becoming more modern with time but country life was still a main part of their identity. These people were forced to live in cities because jobs were usually available only in cities at the time of Depression. Since these people were forced to live in cities when they were mainly rural people, they were usually dissatisfied with the hard city

Video review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Video review - Essay Example That is, it could be fitted to be suitable to what the engineers or customers wanted. The traditional iron triangle of waterfall was more rigid and could not accommodate some alterations. The modifications included things that could suit new customer behaviours. Contrary to the traditional iron triangle of Waterfall the agile model allowed an accelerated time to the market and allowed for aligning of IT to the business. With agile, the results depict an increase in productivity and software quality. There is also greater project visibility and a reduction of risks when compared to the iron triangle model of project management (Beierwaltes 1). Finally, it is less costly for a company or an individual to apply the agile model than the Iron Triangle of Waterfall. It is less costly to maintain the software involved in Agile than that of Iron triangle of Waterfall. Agile could be used on our project efficiently. The first reason is due to its cost effectiveness both in initial set up as well as the costs of maintenance. In addition, we could quickly alter its specifications to suit the needs of our projects better. There will be increased productivity and better results as a result of the software’s high quality (Beierwaltes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Honky Tonk Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Honky Tonk Music - Essay Example The Honky Tonk music was loud music coupled with strong dance beats and electrification of instruments. It represented the fact that live in the country was changing and people were adapting a honky tonk life (Kingsbury, McCall and Rumble, 2012).The Honky Tonk music was specifically popular among the poor industrial workers who were primarily working in the oil fields among the Gulf Coast. Honky Tonk music was frequently heard in the local taverns where the industrial workers usually came. This gave the music an image steeped in alcoholism and drunkenness. In terms of gender, the Honky Tonk music was strongly masculine. This was mainly because it represented the African American industrial workers who were predominately males. The music industry, at that point of time, was dominated by men. Their views were generally exposed in most of the songs while women represented a very small part of the entire music industry. Solo women singers were looked down upon in the music industry. Women, at that point of time, were still mainly confined to their homes. Men in Honky Tonk music were portrayed as modern while women were rural. This music had very few female star such as Rose Maddox and Wanda Jackson. It was later in the 1980s that female stars began to experiment with this style. Even thus, masculinity was a main theme of the style. The Honky Tonk music evolved mainly as a result of the changing society. Most of the southern labor was moving to cities and industrial areas to enjoy the perks offered by city life. These people were becoming more modern with time but country life was still a main part of their identity. These people were forced to live in cities because jobs were usually available only in cities at the time of Depression. Since these people were forced to live in cities when they were mainly rural people, they were usually dissatisfied with the hard city

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What are three reasons why students fail university-level classes 3 Essay

What are three reasons why students fail university-level classes 3 reasons why they pass - Essay Example If they love their course enough, they will study that hard, or even discover more things in order for them to learn more. This means learning must have become the primary concern for them. Students who aim for higher learning are making it good especially in their class performance (Hunt 83). Second, those students who pass university classes are setting for themselves vital goals for them to achieve. This means that it will be harder for them to be involved in some sort of distractions, as going to school and learning things have become their primary considerations why they are in school in the first place. Another potential reason why students pass university classes is because they have the specific level of intelligence required to understand and pass the course. With this in mind, they will be able to pass exams, actively participate and be involved in class discussions and so

Monday, October 14, 2019

Spanish Armada Essay Example for Free

Spanish Armada Essay The Spanish Armada showcased the Spaniards boldness and determination to expand their territory and their religion of Catholicism. However, there are several underlying reasons on why Spain waged a war against England. The decision of King Philip II to launch a fleet of naval ships towards the North have been influenced by many consecutive incidents that demonstrated the looming conflict between Spain and England. During the 16th century, Spain and England used to be allies in advancing a common cause which was to expand their respective colonies. But it was their similar objectives that instigated the manifestation of a strained relationship between the two countries. More so, the relationship between England and Spain became more tensed when Philip II married Mary I, a sibling of Queen Elizabeth I, making him a â€Å"titular King of England. † This union highlighted the difference in religious beliefs of a Catholic and a Protestant that raised eyebrows in the English Monarchy who doubted the real intentions of Spain with England. In retaliation, England gave support to the Dutch uprising against Spain. Several black propaganda were launched that criticized King Philip II and the Catholics in general as wicked human beings. Then, the situation worsened when â€Å"Catholic Queen Mary of Scots†, the only remaining link of Spain with England in 1587, was executed for allegedly plotting against Queen Elizabeth I. Because of these events, the plan of King Philip II to conquer Europe was blocked in which motivated him to start a confrontation with England through an Armada (Mitchell, 2005). Unfortunately, Spain was defeated in this battle because of the unfavorable weather conditions and the fact that the English were more advanced with their warfare resources and strategy. As a result, Englands victory entitled the English with the position of being the strongest and most influential in Europe. Meanwhile, for Spain, their loss became a learning experience that motivated them to enhance more their naval capabilities as well as their military tactics. References Mitchell, C. V. (2005 August). The weathering of the armada. Inventory of Conflict Environment. Retrieved May 20, 2008 from http://www. american. edu/ted/ice/armada. htm

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Brigham Young University and The Mountain Meadows Massacre by Juanita B

Brigham Young University and The Mountain Meadows Massacre by Juanita Brooks The Mountain Meadows Massacre by Juanita Brooks recounts a tragic historical event in a manner that can teach important lessons. The book is well researched and well written and reflects the great historical significance of the massacre. In addition, students learn religious lessons studying the book and its subject. Although some members of the Church and a few of Brigham Young University's faculty doubt the wisdom of teaching The Mountain Meadows Massacre, this book should be taught at BYU. The Mountain Meadows Massacre is an important book written by an important author. Some justifiably argue that Brooks's book is invalid because she is excessively defensive of John D. Lee-thus, they reason, the book is too subjective to take seriously as a historical work. Despite this shortcoming, the book is, overall, an excellent piece of critical writing. Brooks bases her book on primary sources displaying various opinions about the massacre. Even if the book is not completely objective, students can learn from bad examples as well as good ones. Studying The Mountain Meadows Massacre, especially under the direction of a competent teacher, can teach students to think critically about literature and avoid errors in their own writing. In addition to its literary merits, the book is a prime example of how authors can have a significant influence on the public. After Brooks's book was published, members of the Church began to research and discuss the Massacre more openly. One Mormon h istorian states: "Beginning with the landmark work of Juanita Brooks and proceeding at an increased pace during the past dozen years a spirit of openness, reconciliation, and hea... ...ssence, BYU students are bright, spiritually experienced, and ready for the challenge of studying The Mountain Meadows Massacre. By studying Brooks's book, students will learn to correctly address perplexing gospel issues. They will hone their critical reading and writing skills and become familiar with a crucial part of their history. If the administrators of BYU want their students to go forth as effective representatives of the Church, they must recognize the benefits of teaching Juanita Brooks's The Mountain Meadows Massacre. Works Cited Bushman, Richard L. Personal Interview. 19 November 2002. Leonard, Glenn M. "In Pursuit of Answers to Difficult Questions." The Journal of Mormon History, 28 (Fall 2002): 14. Snyder, Eric. "True Confession: I love BYU." Why Write? Provo: Brigham Young University Department of Undergraduate Education, 2002. 244.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Jeffery Dahmer Essay example -- Serial Killer - Cannibal

Jeffery Dahmer is arguably the most notorious serial killer -cannibal in history. Targeting men and boys, Dahmer‘s life of crime began with drinking and sex offending. His murders were exceptionally gruesome, often involving rape, torture, necrophilia, dismemberment, and cannibalism. The media often commented on how â€Å"normal† Dahmer appeared. Jeffrey Dahmer made everyone question how one develops into such a monster. By the time of his apprehension, Dahmer had sodomized, murdered, and cannibalized at least seventeen men, mostly black, Hispanic or Asian, in the Milwaukee area between the years of 1978 until his arrest in 1991 (Williams pg.1). Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960, to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. Despite the difficulties of Joyce's pregnancy, he was wanted and adored as a child. By all accounts, Dahmer displayed traits of a happy, bubbly youngster. However, several events from his childhood indicated that the young boy was becoming more and more disturbed. When Jeff was four, his father swept out the remains of some small animals from under the house. As his father gathered the tiny animal bones, Jeff seemed strangely entertained by the sound they made (Bardsley Ch. 13). At the young age of six, Dahmer suffered a double hernia and needed surgery to correct the problem. After the operation, he was never the same socially. Adding insult to injury, the family then moved from Iowa to Ohio where it became apparent Dahmer had grown distant, shy, and nearly uncommunicative (Bardsley Ch. 13). As a young student, Dahmer, very fond of one of his elementary school teachers, took her a bowl of tadpoles he had caught. Soon Dahmer learned that his teacher had given the tadpoles to his friend Lee. He ... ...rocess of ‘walking through’, in which the patient and therapist examine the same issues repeatedly in the course of several sessions, each time with greater clarity. This process is enduring, usually lasting for a number of years (Comer 41). Due to the presence of such a multitude of abnormal behaviors, the most helpful form of psychodynamic treatment available would be the short-term psychodynamic therapies that focus on one individual issue at a time. Perhaps the abnormalities could have been deciphered and treated separately through this type of therapy in order to improve his behavior. It is impossible to say for sure, but had Dahmer sought or been forced into treatment for his many abnormal behaviors, therapists may have been reasonably successful in identifying the underlying causes before he felt compelled to take innocent lives.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Quality of Work Life Essay

In today’s high tech, fast-paced world, the work environment is very different than it was a generation ago. It is now rare for a person to stay with a single company his or her entire working life. There are multiple reasons for this, but mostly because employees are often willing to leave a company for better opportunities, companies need to find ways not only to hire qualified people, but also to retain them. As more companies start to realize that a happy employee is an effective employee, they have started to look for ways to improve the work environment. Many have implemented various work-life programs to help employees, including alternate work arrangements, onsite childcare, exercise facilities, relaxed dress codes, and more. Quality-of-work-life programs go beyond work/life programs by focusing attention less on employee needs outside of work and realizing that job stress and the quality of life at work is even more direct bearing on worker satisfaction. Open communications, mentoring programs, and fostering more amicable relationships among workers are some of the ways employers are improving the quality of work life. Emerging Trends Forces For Change A factor contributing to the problem was that the workers themselves were changing. They became educated, more affluent (partly because of the effectiveness of classical job design), and more independent. They began reaching for higher-order needs, something more than merely earning their bread. Employers now had two reasons for re-designing jobs and organisations for a better QWL: * Classical design originally gave inadequate attention to human needs. * The needs and aspirations of workers themselves were changing. Humanised Work Through QWL One option was to re-design jobs to have the attributes desired by people, and re-design organisations to have the environment desired by the people. This approach seeks to improve QWL. There is a need to give workers more of a challenge, more of a whole task, more opportunity to use their ideas. Close attention to QWL provides a more humanised work environment. It attempts to serve the higher-order needs of workers as well as their more basic needs. It seeks to employ the higher skills of workers and to provide an environment that encourages them to improve their skills. The idea is that human resources should be developed and not simply used. Further, the work should not have excessively negative conditions. It should not put workers under undue stress. It should not damage or degrade their humanness. It should not be threatening or unduly dangerous. Finally, it should contribute to, or at least leave unimpaired, workers’ abilities to perform in other life roles, such as citizen, spouse and parent. That is, work should contribute to general social advancement. Job Enlargement vs. Job Enrichment The modern interest in quality of work life was stimulated through efforts to change the scope of people’s jobs in attempting to motivate them. Job scope has two dimensions – breadth and depth. Job breadth is the number of different tasks an individual is directly responsible for. It ranges from very narrow (one task performed repetitively) to wide (several tasks). Employees with narrow job breadth were sometimes given a wider variety of duties in order to reduce their monotony; this process is called job enlargement. In order to perform these additional duties, employees spend less time on each duty. Another approach to changing job breadth is job rotation, which involves periodic assignment of an employee to completely different sets of job activities. Job rotation is an effective way to develop multiple skills in employees, which benefits the organisation while creating greater job interest and career options for the employee. Job enrichment takes a different approach by adding additional motivators to a job to make it more rewarding. It was developed by Frederick Herzberg on the basis of his studies indicating that the most effective way to motivate workers was by focusing on higher-order needs. Job enrichment seeks to add depth to a job by giving workers more control, responsibility and discretion over hoe their job is performed. The difference between enlargement and enrichment is illustrated in the figure on the next page.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

60’s Fashion Research Paper

Michele Figueroa 04-07-11 Research In the 1960’s there were several types of fashion types like: the Mods, the rockers, the oh-so-famous hippies,-the futuristic space age-ers, the school girl baby dolls, the â€Å"Chanel† wearers , and of course the optical art dressers! So as you can see there are LOTS of fashion types that started in the 60’s. Even some looks we still use today, only slightly modified. To help you better understand the styles of the 160’s, I will break down each type of style for you. The Mods dressed in a minimalist themed type style. They seemed to believe in the motto â€Å"less is more†. On a regular basis their dress code consisted of: polo shirts, drainpipe trousers, turtleneck sweaters/shirts, and suede shoes. A very big designer for the Mods was Mary Quaint. Enough about the Mods though, let’s go into the Rockers! Rockers were considered the â€Å"cool kids. † They enjoyed wearing studded leather jackets, jeans and winklepickers. Winklepickers are pointy leather shoes with metal buckles on them. Now onto the next style, The Babydoll/school girl look. This is the look that we call the current â€Å"girly-girl† look. The Babydoll look is made up of long-waisted pinafore dresses with belts at hip level, pleated or flared skirts that stopped at the mid thigh, thigh high mini-dresses that were made out of sheer fabrics. The mini-dresses were usually paired with a maxi-coat and mid-calf boots. Many people tried to take credit for the Babydoll look but the true creator of this look was Andre Courreges. Another one of Andre Courreges’s famous styles was the space age fad! This look was created out of :glittery catsuits, astronaut helmets ,space-like colored dresses, coats, and suits. And no we go from astronaut helmets to pillbox hats. That’s right the famous Coco Chanel who started the gilt chained handbag that was and still is popular ! Coco Chanel is the designer who influenced several old stars fashion taste. For example former first lady, Jackie Kennedy! Coco’s most famous pieces were her knee-length skirts, square toed pumps, chunky pearl necklaces, collarless cardigans, pillbox hats , and her betron hats. Her outfits were mostly worn to events like office and cocktail parties . Now so far I have been mostly explaining the styles of the 1960’s women but fear not for I will now tell about them 1960’s men’s styles! In the 1960’s the absolute biggest men’s style icon were The Beatles. The â€Å"4 apostles† made a huge impact on men with their tight-fitting trouser sand famous signature jackets! The Beatles fashion trends led to style fads like paisley suits, Hip-hugging pants, and rainbow colored shirts. Now here is a style that went pretty much world famous that originated in the 1960’s†¦. The Hippy style! Hippies were big on what the did but we known just as well as for what they dressed in. The Hippies dressed in very loose fitting clothes. Hippy girls wore shawls, peasant blouses, long skirts (all of which had to be bright colorful patters)Hippy boys wore mostly bell bottoms, paisley and flower print clothes, and ethic clothing. Oddly enough sometimes hippies went shirtless and painted their bodies to adorn themselves with bright designs and flowers and to them the wilder the design the better! So now we have come to an end, you can go out and tell the world that you are officially an expert in 1960’s style! J

Nutrition for Health and Social Care Essay

In this assignment, I will be making realistic recommendations for decreasing negative impacts on the health of one individual. The individual I will be making recommendations for and talking about in more depth is James. As it states in the case study, and James has a BMI above average, therefore, in this assignment, I will clarify in full detail what he could do in order to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight as James is 54 years old overweight. In addition, I will also be stating the advantages of acting upon and following the recommendations I have made as well as the disadvantages if he did not follow them and continued with his normal diet. â€Å"Food is essential for life but what we eat is subject to a wide range of influences. Recognising these and taking account of them when planning menus and preparing food can make the difference between and individual eating sufficiently for their needs or not†. James is 54 years old Chief Executive of an international company. He is single with no children, and admits to not paying much attention to his diet. Due to working long hours, he often skips meals, and ends up snacking. He sometimes grabs a takeaway on the way home because he’s not good at cooking, and hardly does food shopping and he lives miles away from the nearest supermarket, and so there’s usually nothing indoors to eat. At 6’1, he weighs 212 pounds and has a BMI of 28. He admits to feeling a little tired, recently. James dietary habits are impacting him negatively because he at an age where he is at risk of contracting some type of serious cardiovascular diseases, for instance problems with his heart or his arteries being clogged with fat because of consuming a lot of unhealthy foods, which could be fatal. James health factors are already beginning to have negative impacts on him because as it states â€Å"he admits to feeling a little tired, recently†. If James does not alter his behaviour towards his health for example taking more care and paying attention to his health, not only will he continue to gain a lot of weight but he will also have a hard time losing the weight as he will have a great amount to lose. I recommend that James goes on a diet and makes lifestyle changes. However prior to beginning his diet, I think it’s highly important that James visits his GP and research about dieting and losing weight the right way rather than doing it the wrong way to see faster results and be at risk of other health problems. After he has done his research, He should start off his diet slowly, for instance he could start by cutting out fizzy drinks and alcohol because they both contain great amounts of calories and fizzy drinks have a lot of sugar which is not good to constantly have, and replacing them with water. Water is extremely beneficial to the body because it refreshes your body and keeps you hydrated, and also drinking the recommended amount of water daily combined with a healthy diet, will contribute in weight loss and a healthier body. James should then begin to make food choice changes and portion control, for example cutting out fatty foods and consuming large portions of food. It states in the case study that he does not pay attention to his diet and because he works long hours, he often skips meals and that he is not good at cooking. James will have to now pay a lot of attention to his diet because it is putting him at risk of serious health problems and the first thing he should do is look on the internet for food recipes. If James does not want to cook at all, he should order his food from shops such as Marks and Spencer’s which have a variety of different healthy meals and also have home delivery so he could have the food delivered to him. Although he works long hours, it is vital that he does not skip any meals during the day, he should prepare a healthy meal at home and pack some to take to work and eat during his break, and he should also incorporate fruits for snacks and a bottle of water to take to work every day. This way he will not have to buy unhealthy take away meals to eat. In addition, James should attempt not to eat heavy meals before bed, he should have a light dinner and if he feels hungry late hours of the night, he should eat fruits and drink water to fill him up. After James has become accustomed to his new diet choices, he should now incorporate exercise to his diet. However it states in the case study that James works long hours which could be problem if he is trying to incorporate some exercise to his new lifestyle. The way to overcome this problem would be for James to have a plan. He should plan out his life for instance what ime he departs for work, what time he’s back home and the amount of hours he has free after work. Due to the fact that James works long hours, I think that he would benefit highly from buying aerobic DVDS and exercising in the comfort of his own home rather than going to the gym after a tiring day at work. He should start off by buying beginners DVD and gradually progressing to the more intense work out. However the DVDs must be suitable for his age and also he should consult his doctor prior to starting the exercising routine. The advantages of these strategies I have implemented above for James is that he will lose weight, he’ll be living a healthier lifestyle, he’ll become accustomed to not eating unhealthy foods and he would have the skills and knowledge about health and how poor diet contributes highly to health problems. The disadvantage would be if James decided not to act upon the recommendation and continued his bad habits of constantly eating take-away, skipping meals during the day and not exercising. The fact that he is 54 and is overweight is highly worrying because he is now at risk of getting diabetes, clogging up his arteries, suffering from a heart attack and other life threatening health problems. If he does not change his diet he is most likely to endure one of the health problems I have just mentioned and in worst cases it could lead to instant death. James lifestyle also has a huge negative effect on his health. This is because he has no wife or kids, whom could’ve helped James more, by for instance having a healthy cooked meal for him when he returns home from work. This way he would not need to always pick up takeaways on his way home as he would have a healthy cooked meal at home. Also the fact that James works long hours has also affected his health, the reason I believe this is because this could be the reason as to why he skips meals due to not having time to eat during work times which is also now making James feels often tired. James health is at risk, the fact that his working hours are so long may also be the reason to why James has not enrolled in gym, as I mentioned above he may feel extremely tired when he returns home from work and does not have the energy to exercise. Also the fact that he often skips meals does not help the situation because he is not receiving enough nutrients to give him energy he requires. I recommend that James starts off by possibly making slight alterations in his working hours and replace them with time for himself. The reasons for this is because James is clearly on a route to becoming obese and he needs to make some time for himself to exercise and better his health. As well as exercising, as I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, he has to change his eating habits as this is the main reason for his weight issues. I believe that a plan would be very beneficial for James to implement in his life because due to the fact that he’s a chief executive of an international company, means that he possibly has a lot of daily responsibilities at work and if he had a plan of what to eat and what time he has free to exercise, he will not become stressed and confused because it will all be written down. In this plan he should write down all the hours he works during the week and the breaks he has in between, he should also implement his new healthy diet in this plan and write the times he eats meals and snacks in between. I believe that after doing this and following through with the plan, he will adjust to the plan and begin to lose some weight and become healthier. Also more importantly James must always carry a packed lunch and fruits to work so he does not skip lunch and after lunch if he begins to get hungry again, he can snack on some fruits instead of buying unhealthy snacks. In conclusion, I believe that the recommendations I have made for James will only be advantages to him. This is because he will begin to lose the weight he has to lose in order to be healthy; his BMI will drop to average weight and also most importantly he will be living a healthier lifestyle and decrease the risk of having serious health problems. In addition, he will begin to have more energy throughout the day to cope with his every day routine without feeling as tired as he did when he did not pay attention to his diet and weight.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Benefits of breast feeding and natural birthing techniques Research Paper

Benefits of breast feeding and natural birthing techniques - Research Paper Example On the other hand, nutrients in mother’s milk also help to prevent the spread of childhood infectious and noninfectious diseases. This means that the benefits of breastfeeding are limitless, and it is a momentous act a mother does to determine the present and future health of a child (Department of Health and Human Service Office on Womens Health , 2003). In the current world, breastfeeding has been considered not to be beneficial, and that infants can be fed formula milk and survive. I disagree with this and can say that formula milk will never have similar vitamins and nutrients that are in the human milk even if vitamin, minerals and supplements included in formula milk, additionally, breastfeeding is also beneficial to mothers. Firstly, breastfeeding prevents the high risks of infectious diseases on children. Research has shown that breast milk prevent children against infectious diseases like lower and upper respiratory infections than formula milk. These infections are caused by lack of immunity and antibacterial that are present in human milk, hence most children affected with these infections are those fed formula milk. Latest research has also indicated that breastfeeding helps in preventing urinary tract infections. Secondly, breastfeeding is also beneficial to children who are born as a result of pre- mature births leading to children being born before they fully develop. The term that is usually used by most medics is neurodevelopment. Studies have indicated that breastfeeding contributes to cognitive development of infants whereby children who are breastfed develop faster than those fed formula milk. However, it reduces the death rate during early childhood. Studies have indicated that most death is common in formula fed infants because there is no interaction that takes place between mother and child when breastfeeding hence, mothers’ intelligence during breastfeeding also contribute to few SIDS

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Organizations & Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizations & Behaviour - Assignment Example This is mainly the case when the leadership situation in the organization is competitive in nature. Servant leadership is mostly applicable in an organization that believes in values, which is a factor that was not culturally applicable to Fancy footwear. The three most valuable motivation theories for managing different groups within an organization is inclusive of Herzberg’s theory on money as a de-motivator, the four personal styles and the theory of motivation that involves three basic needs. The basic needs in this case are affiliation, achievement and power. The theories of motivation are based on the concept of intrinsic motivation, which is stronger than extrinsic motivation. A vital thing to consider is the fact that the manager in an organization cannot be able to motivate the employees, but can be able to create an environment that enables them to motivate themselves. Consequently, the application of the three motivation theories focuses on the creation of strong working relationships through the development of vibrant working environments. Managers in an organization should be willing to exert efforts towards the achievement of the organizational goals, whose conditioning takes into consideration the ability to satisfy the needs of individuals in the organization. Motivation involves getting someone to do something that he or she wants to do (Salas, 2013, 18). Motivation is a vital task for managers since it compromises their ability to encourage, delegate, communicate, train, brief, challenge, and provide rewards to the other people. The normative view of group dynamics gives a description of how to perform activities as well as organize the group. The second consideration of group dynamics involves a set of techniques that includes sensitivity training, role-play, group dynamics transactional analysis and team building among other considerations. The other view of group

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Fashion Industry Did Not Exploit Their Labour Base Essay

The Fashion Industry Did Not Exploit Their Labour Base - Essay Example The essay "The Fashion Industry Did Not Exploit Their Labour Base" concerns the fashion industry and the question of exploitation. At eleven for a child to be doing this instead of schooling is a most despicable thought; however we also need to look at this situation through young Mantheesh’s eyes, for her this work brings home Rs. 40 or 60p per day; much better than what she could’ve done in her native war torn Sri Lanka or in some refugee camp in India. These 60p are better than anything else that life has doled out to her so far, her only hope, and when the protest over the unfairness of child labour reaches this young child; neither does she understand the debate nor does she feel that its fair for people to take away from her the last modicum of hope that this job allows her. These are the questions that this essay will attempt to answer. Let’s start by peeping into the conditions of child labour. According to UNICEF, there are an estimated 250 million child ren aged 5 to 17 in child labour worldwide, excluding child domestic labour. In terms of geographical distribution, the Asia-Pacific region harbours the largest absolute number of working children between the ages of 5 and 14, with some 127 million, or 60 per cent of the world total. Sub-Saharan Africa is second with 48 million, or 23 per cent of the total, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean with 17.4 million, or 8 per cent, and the Middle East and North Africa with 13.4 million, or 6 per cen. Some of the countries are India.... In terms of geographical distribution, the Asia-Pacific region harbours the largest absolute number of working children between the ages of 5 and 14, with some 127 million, or 60 per cent of the world total. Sub-Saharan Africa is second with 48 million, or 23 per cent of the total, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean with 17.4 million, or 8 per cent, and the Middle East and North Africa with 13.4 million, or 6 per cent ( ILO, 5.1.2008). Some of the countries which are battling this issue are India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Nepal, Malawi, Kenya, Zimbabwe,( Andvig, J.C. 5.1.2009) ( IPEC, 5.1.2009) Tanzania, Ethiopia Morocco, Egypt, Brazil, Argentina. The fact that most of these countries are developing nations is where the similarity ends, on one hand we have a country like Ethiopia teetering on the brinks of a civil war and on the other we have a India touted to be the economic super power of the next generation; yet both countries haven't been able to curb the rampant flouting of child labour laws. So can we safely conclude that child labour is only a problem of developing countries Not really, even the United States has its own issue of child farm workers (AFT, 5.1.2009). In order to take a closer look at this problem, we need to first understand it. "Child labor" is, generally speaking, work for children that harms them or exploits them in some way (physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking access to education). BUT: There is no universally accepted definition of "child labor". Varying definitions of the term are used by international organizations, non-governmental organizations, trade unions and other interest groups. Writers and speakers don't always specify what definition they are using, and that often

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How did september 11 change the life of socities Research Paper

How did september 11 change the life of socities - Research Paper Example There have been several changes within the American society ever since the attacks which has literally affected the lives of many people. Civil liberties have been subject to changes and in order to protect the country from further attacks several policies and security measures at airports and other important places have been stepped up which has posed serious restrictions to civil liberties. This has resulted in a changed psychology among the American people about their country, politics, world society and their security (Kelly; Schmidt; 9-11 Social Consequences). Considering the magnitude of the 9/11 attacks such restrictions and societal changes are not surprising as the country is in a dire need to safeguard both its people and resources. No country can afford to lose manpower and property to terrorism and given the potential strength of America, it has been able to overcome the destruction mainly owing to its people who remain unified in their fight against terrorism following t he attacks. The American society has indeed become vulnerable to attacks by terrorists mainly owing to its open frontiers, greater allowance to civil liberties, lack of any discrimination towards people, a free market and the rights enjoyed by the people to live a free life on their own terms. All of these were against the moral beliefs of the terrorists and which led them to attack the country and show the American people that their nation was indeed vulnerable and that its security could also be under constant threat. However, while the attacks were made with the intention of creating animosity among the diverse American population, it did, in fact create a more unified America. This has become a reality despite the series of civil restrictions and stricter policies that have been imposed on innocent Americans. This can be mainly attributed to the changes that occurred with the country during the 20th century which made the country more tolerable. This is the same country which ha d banned the teaching of German language after the First World War and the imprisonment of Germans, Japanese and Italians following the Second World War. Over the years the American people have developed the culture of â€Å"not judging the others†. This attitude has allowed people to rationalize the actions of others though there were some incidents targeting Muslims immediately after the attacks. However, these incidents were relatively small in number; even though they are deplorable. In addition the attacks also lead to a social cohesion among the people as those who survived the attacks showed a great willingness to help the wounded and the deceased (9-11 Social Consequences). This indeed has been a positive outcome of the attacks as aid from all around the world poured in and many thousands of people volunteered to secure people from the debris. However, this volunteering has been mainly from children belonging to the upper-middle class background as they have begun to show greater interest in public life, civic engagement, politics and society. However, the same has not been found with children belonging to the working class sector as they know that despite all their efforts they would ultimately land up in some firm working round the clock. Hence the post 9/11 attacks did witness a gap in the social class and many experts see this gap as that between the rich and the poor

Friday, October 4, 2019

Cross Culture Managment - South Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross Culture Managment - South Korea - Essay Example The capital of South Korea, Seoul is also the city covering its largest area of land. Korea was a huge region that came under separation into its North and South portions after the end of World War II. Since the two parts of Korea were not in a good friendly relation from the time of their formation, therefore, it resulted in wars between them. The war was a stepping-stone for the southern region, as after the war their economy saw a dramatic boom that revolutionized the recognition and position of the country in its neighborhood (Haggett, 2002). With the economical boom, that the country experienced gave a rise to the lifestyle of its citizens, thus boosting its social sector. Over the passage of time, it developed its technological, transport, manufacturing, industrial and economic sector phenomenally that it made its place in the world rankings. The country has a high population density, as a huge number of people inhabit a comparatively small piece of land. Diverse cultures do no dominate the Korean population and it has come under observation that a larger proportion of the populace consists of people of Korean race and Chinese people forms a minority. South Korea does not restrict its denizens to practice a particular religion and have the liberty to follow their religious rituals. A big faction of the people follows â€Å"Christianity and Buddhism, whereas Islam, Shamanism, Confucianism, Chondogyo are the religions that comes under practice by the minorities† (USA International Business Publications, 2005). South Korea is a democratic country that comes under the leadership of President but the power does not come under confinement only in the hands of the president. Legislation and Judiciary also have rights on the power of making legal decisions. Culture of South Korea Korean language generally known as Hangul by the natives comes under common usage to communicate with one another. This language finds its origin from an ancient language known as Altaic, which was widely spoken centuries back. Hangul is well comprehendible and understandable by the locals despite of the fact that it has quite a lot of forms and accents (Connor, 2009). The language is simple and easy and due to this reason, one can learn it effortlessly without difficulty. It also contributes to one of the achievements of the country that is to have a secularly qualified and educated population. Though Hangul do not relate much to the Chinese language, still some Chinese characters come in association with it as an influence of the minor Chinese population residing in the South Korea. English being a universal language retains its importance amongst Koreans as well, therefore, schools have made English as a subject of learning (Connor, 2009). The attitude of the Korean population has seen a drift as earlier people had thinking that was more conservative and gender discrimination came under finding in heights. This trend saw a radical turn after the boosting of the economy and the perceptions towards the girls came under transformation. Opportunities came into the provision to the females in the world of business. The opportunities developed the concept of individualism and independence in females and they no longer made themselves dependent on their male spouses, which uplifted their position in the society (Connor, 2009). Despite of all the success and gains that South Korea has experienced, it has retained its history and has not

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Example for Free

Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay Plato, the father of philosophy, was a rationalist. He was the first systematic metaphysician and epistemologist. He believed that we had innate knowledge; a priori. So to him learning was only a matter of remembering. Plato believed that the â€Å"ideal† world existed beyond our own physical earth because according to him realty could not be changing or imperfect. From his point of view what we see are only the particulars, the mimics of the real thing, therefore, we have to pull back from the world of peculiars and search in our own minds. Things like justice or moral virtues do not exist in this world in a proper form. In Crito Meno we can clearly see these ideas. The essential argument in Crito is ‘The Many vs. The One’. Socrates says â€Å"We should’t care all that much about what the populace will say of us, but about what the expert on matters justice and injustice will say, the individual authority, or Truth. † With this phrase he is saying that we should never pay attention to the opinion of the many but always find the one who knows because that is the only person whose opinion is valuable. And later on he goes on to say that if it is never good to do injustice then it is also wrong to do injustice in response to injustice which is why he refuses to escape. In Meno we get more in depth into the idea of inborn knowledge. Meno starts with the question ‘What is Virtue? ’ but Meno always answers the question by giving examples of virtue instead of defining the word and going to the roots of what all those virtues have in common. Down in the world of particulars there are many kinds of virtues for example for the male it’s to run the state, female it’s to run the household but what is important, essential is the traits they both have in common; temperance and justice. Socrates uses the dialectical method in order to get answers out of Meno and also clearly demonstrates this method on a slave of Meno to prove his theory about innate knowledge. Even though it can always be used, using the dialectical method is specifically significant when a person believes that we have innate knowledge, because if what we call learning is just remembering then teaching is just pulling out that knowledge, giving opportunities for that innate knowledge to spring forth. Aristotle on the other hand was an empiricist. He believed that we â€Å"learned† through our senses, by gathering knowledge from the world around us; â€Å"a posteriori†. By reading ‘On the soul’ and ‘Metaphysics’ we get a clear sense of Aristotle’s epistemology. Aristotle encourages embracing the particular in order to possibly gain a sense of the universal. According to Aristotle forms are the essence and when we combine form and matter we get human. The reading ‘On the Soul’ discusses that the body and the soul is not one, that sight allows us to absorb the world in very abstract ways and that memory is learning. In the reading ‘Metaphysics’ Aristotle sets forth causes for the explanation of change: Substance (essence), Matter (or substratum), Source of change and the cause opposed to this. Plato and Aristotle both believed in a universal purpose but the ways in which they got to these universal purposes were very different. Plato was an idealist, he despised the physical whereas Aristotle was a scientist, he loved facts and commonsense. Aristotle would argue that we gain knowledge after experience (a posteriori) but Plato would certainly disagree and say that we gain knowledge before experience (a priori). Plato believes that there is a world of ideas where ideas exist perfectly, the objects in our world are just mimics whereas Aristotle says that the ideas we perceive are inside the particular object. By saying that matter and form combined is what makes an individual Aristotle brings Plato’s Forms â€Å"down from the heavens to concrete reality. †

Elections Are A Major Institutional Pillar Politics Essay

Elections Are A Major Institutional Pillar Politics Essay Elections are a major institutional pillar of liberal democracy. They are the dominant element of political process as they provide the platform for exercising the basic rights of the people associated with democracy freedom of speech, association, choice and movement and the like. They also form the individuals rights of participation in the political process. For the masses they are the opportunity to make the political leaders accountable for their stewardship during the time they were in power, as well as subject to their power as the final sovereign of the country. An election is a competition for office based on a formal expression of preferences by a designated body of people at the ballot box.  [1]  As Yogesh Atal had observed, elections computes public opinion.  [2]  Therefore, elections signify the power of the people and provide legitimacy to the authority of the government. On the importance of elections, Norman D. Palmer, has observed: Elections are particularly conspicuous and revealing aspect of most contemporary political systems. They highlight and dramatize a Political System, bringing its nature into sharp relief, and providing insights into other aspects of the system as a wholeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã‚  [3]   Popular elections are at the heart of representative democracy. And, that holding periodic election is the hallmark of representative democracy based on the active interest of the people. The functioning of democracy demands maximum involvement and participation of the masses in democratic process of the country.  [4]  These are the central democratic procedure for selecting and controlling leaders.  [5]  Elections are episodes of political action during which the preferences of citizens and the conduct of politicians, based on their past agency record and their prospective promises, intersects and interact.  [6]  In the opinion of Robert A. Dhal, the election is the central technique for ensuring that government leaders will be relatively responsible to non-leaders.  [7]  The political class sees elections as an opportunity for renewing their mandate to exercise legitimate power. In this sense, elections constitute a vital bridge linking the masses to the political c lass.  [8]  In addition, growing commitment to democratic elections is also an affirmation of a growing popular commitment to the rule of law.  [9]  Democracy, particularly, its liberal version, may be defined as a system of governance in which rulers are held accountable for their actions in the public realms of citizens, acting indirectly through competition and cooperation of their elected representatives.  [10]   In fact, elections in a democratic system of governance provide the voter with a meaningful choice of candidates, and are distinguished by several characteristics, including a universal franchise, a secret ballot, the involvement of political parties, contests in every, or almost every, constituency and campaigns regulated by strict and fair rules.  [11]  This implies extensive competition for power; highly inclusive citizenship and extensive civil and political liberties. Also, in-between elections, citizens must be able to influence public policy through various non-electoral means like interest group associations and social movements, which invariably involve cooperation and competition among citizens.  [12]   The use of elections in the modern era dates to the emergence of representative government in Europe and North America since the 17th century.  [13]  Modern democracies are typically based on representative models in which citizens elect their representatives to govern and frame policies on their behalf. Full democracies are those systems in which there are universal suffrage, regular elections, an independent judiciary, relatively equal access to power for all groups, and extensive civil liberties that are combined with protection for minorities and disadvantaged groups.  [14]   The developments and want for electoral democracy across societies are quite fascinating. Indeed, some twenty-five years ago there were only about thirty-five democracies across the world, most of them being wealthy and industrialized nations, particularly in the West. Today, the number has grown to about 120. Huntington (1999) argues that at least thirty countries turned democracies between 1974 and 1990;  [15]  while Diamond (1997) takes Freedom House data to show that that the number of democracies increased from 39 in 1974 to 118 in 1996.  [16]  Consequently, and more precisely, democratic government out-numbered all other governments. Jaggers and Gurr (1995) claim that the proportions of the democracies rose from 27 percent in 1975 to 50 percent in 1994.  [17]   It is assumed by critics that many of the new democracies are being hollowed out.  [18]  The effect is the spread of electoral democracy where political parties battle for control of government through comparatively free and fair election;  [19]  but not liberal democracy with an effective rule of law behind individual and minority freedoms and protections.  [20]  A claim to liberal democracy may serve to legitimize state authority nearly everywhere, but the reality falls far short of the global triumph of liberal democratic government. The remarkable consensus concerning the legitimacy of liberal democracy served as the premise of Fukuyamas thesis on the end of history.  [21]  Doubts about the quality of new democracies imply that the new democracies may enshrine democratic principles that fail to operate in practice, and that the populations do not therefore enjoy liberal democratic freedoms. Defining electoral politics Though psephologist and scholars often make use of the term electoral politics, the phrase is, very rarely defined accurately. Still, as term in common political discourse goes, this is, in particular, not vague or elastic. The definition that follows is partly descriptive; that is to say, it is designed to reflect what most people seem to mean when they use the term and to suggest what the term ought to. The word election is of Latin origin and is derived from the root eligere. Election literary connotes, the public choice of person for office. It may be regarded as a form of procedure recognized by the rules of an organization, whereby all or some of the members of the organization choose a smaller number of persons or one person to hold office of authority in the organization.  [22]  According to Websters dictionary, election means the act or process of choosing a person for an office, position or membership by voting. An election, as William B. Munro (1926) writes long ago, consists of a regular series of events.  [23]  These events differ from political system to another as provided by the respective legal provisions of that particular system, but always include voter registration, nominations of candidates, seeking access to the electorate, voters preferences and the like. It is a formal act of collective decision that occurs in a stream of connected antecedent and subsequent behaviour.  [24]  Elections are the principal mechanism by which the citizens hold government accountable, both retrospectively for their policies and more generally for the manner in which they govern.  [25]  Hence, it can be said that electoral politics is the study of the political process, involved in the electoral process, ranging from the nomination of candidates to the final outcome of an election and can be conceptualized as a set of activities, in strategic cooperation between numerous participants in t he electoral process. This naturally involves the study of campaign strategies (the electoral behaviour), and the mobilisation of resources by political parties and the candidates; the role of youth power, organised groups and influentials. In simple terms, electoral politics is s an index of popular consciousness, articulation and participation of the electorate in the decision  [26]  of the society. Electoral politics seeks to analyze the major features in the conduct of elections, democratic or otherwise, and the process involved therein to ascertain electorate opinion of a given geographical area. It is through election that political preferences of the electors are expressed and ordered. The process of electoral politics presents the electors with a decision task that requires a particular choice between the contending candidates. Thus it may be said that electoral politics, is a means of translating the popular will into an elected assembly.  [27]  But at the same time it must be conceded that elections are clumsy instruments of choice.  [28]  In such circumstances, the study of election and electoral system has been a continuing source of interdisciplinary conflict, largely between political scientist s and sociologists.  [29]   The Review of Literature: There is considerable body of theoretical and empirical literature on elections and its allied discipline, in both the developed and developing democracies, that identifies several functions performed by elections in liberal democracies. A brief history of the literature available so far is examined in the pages that follow: Scholarly studies of electoral politics have a long and vibrant history. Most works on electoral politics primarily focus on voting behavior. The 1940s saw the birth of scientific use of survey research to examine academic voting research in the study of electoral politics. Under the direction of Paul Lazarsfeld, the Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University interviewed a probability sample of Erie County, Ohio, during the Roosevelt-Wilkie presidential race.  [30]  The findings of the study were published in the book titled The People Choice.  [31]  The authors determine why people vote as they do focusing mainly on social groupings, religion, and residence. They argue that people tend to vote with their groups, and to that extent people take longer time to arrive at voting choice. Later, a second panel study conducted by the Columbian School in 1948 provided a more influential book, Voting.  [32]  It examines the factors that make people vote the way they do based on the famous Elmira Study, carried out by a team of skilled social scientists during the 1948 presidential campaign. It shows how voting is affected by social class, religious background, family loyalties, local pressure groups, mass communication media, and other factors. The work of Lazarsfeld and his Columbia colleagues demonstrated the rich potential of election surveys as data for understanding campaigns and elections. The next, and even more important, advance in election studies emerged in the following decade at the University of Michigan.  [33]  It created the most significant milestone in the whole tenet of electoral research, The American Voter.  [34]  It explored the so-called psychological model, in its study explaining peoples political choices; and found out how people voted were mainly their party identification. The work established a baseline for most of the scholarly debate that has followed in the decades since.  [35]  However, political scientist like V.O. Key  [36]  attacked this work, in which he famously asserted, voters are not fools. Key argues against the implications of Campbell et al.s book, and Converses later addition,  [37]  about the ignorance and unreliability of American voters. He analyzed public opinion data and electoral returns to show what he believed to be the rationality of voters choices as political decisions rather than responses to psychological stimuli.  [38]   In the years that followed, Nie, Verba, Petrocik  [39]  presents one of the best treatments on the subject in the form of The Changing American Voter. It analyzes and evaluates the changes which have taken place since the publication of The American Voter. The resultant is that electorate has both responded and contributed to the major political shifts of the 60s and 70s; it depicts how and why by citing substantial statistics and figures. However, this argument finds many critics. Among them, Smith  [40]  posits a more bleak political landscape in which the typical voter knows little about politics is not interested in the political arena and consequently does not participate in it. To support this view, Smith demonstrates how the indices used by Nie, Verba, and Petrocik during the 1960s were methodologically flawed and how a closer examination of supposed changes reveals only superficial and unimportant shifts in the ways voters have approached the ballot box since the 195 0s. Miller and Shanks  [41]  in their study, presents a comprehensive analysis of American voting patterns from 1952 through the early 1990s, with special emphasis on the 1992 election, based on data collected by the National Election Studies. It also presents a unique social and economic picture of partisanship and participation in the American electoral process. Michael S. Lewis-Beck  [42]  re-creates the outstanding 1960 classic, The American Voter, by following the same format, theory, and mode of analysis as the original in the form of The American Voter Revisited. It discovers that voting behaviour has been remarkably consistent over the last half century and quite surprisingly, the contemporary American voter is found to behave politically much like voters of the 1950s. Across the Atlantic, the study of electoral behaviour was no less momentous. A number of scholars and researcher, alike took up the topic in academic research till date. Butler and Stokes  [43]  offer an explaination of British voting behaviour since 1945 with greater emphasis on sociological and historical factors and on changes at the macro and elite level. Harrison  [44]  provide a detailed explanation of how the British political system came to acquire the form it has today by analysing topics such as civil liberties, pressure groups, parliament, elections and the parties, central and local government, cabinet, and monarchy. Birch  [45]  provides a comprehensive account of British political institutions, of the way in which they operate, and of the society in which they developed. Pugh  [46]  present an insightful survey of changes in British politics since the election of 1945 and examines Labour Partys evolution into a national rather than sectional party. David Powell  [47]  examine British politics on the eve of war, the author assesses the impact of war on the parties and the political system and the process of realignment that followed in the interwar period. Hough and Jeffery  [48]  present a comparative perspective on the new dynamics of electoral competition following devolution to Scotland and Wales. It brings together leading experts on elections, political parties and regional politics from Britain, Europe and North America to explore the dynamics and interactions of national and regional arenas of electoral competition. Johnston and Pattie  [49]  analyses the dynamics of electoral behaviour into its geographical context. They show how voters and parties are affected by, and in turn influence, both national and local forces. Kavanagh  [50]  analyse the methods of political choice and decision-making in electoral democratic institutions. The focus throughout is on key topics of voting behavior, election rules, the media, election pacts, and the consequences of elections. Wolfinger and Rosenstone  [51]  present an assessment of the sociological, motivational, and political factors that account for variation in electoral participation. Lupia and. Harrop and Miller  [52]  examine competitive electoral systems as well as non-competitive ones. McCubbins  [53]  present an impressive treatment of one of the most important issues in democratic theory: the individuals inability to make fully informed decisions. It redefines the research agenda in democratic theory and information and also intends to lay foundations of a new theoretical approach to institutional design Bendor, Diermeier, Siegel and Ting  [54]  provides a behavioral theory of elections based on the notion that all actors, that is, both politicians as well as voters are only bounded rationally. The theory constructs formal models of party competition, turnout, and voters choices of candidates and the like. These models predict substantial turnout levels, voters sorting into parties, and winning parties adopting centrist platforms. Bogdanor Butler  [55]  analyses the main electoral systems of modern democracies, and places them in their institutional and historical context. Diamond and Plattner  [56]  addresses electoral systems and democracy comparing the experiences of diverse countries, from Latin America to southern Africa, from Uruguay, Japan, and Taiwan to Israel, Afghanistan, and Iraq. As the number of democracies has increased around the world, a heated debate has emerged among experts about which system best promotes the consolidation of democracy. Diamond  [57]  sets forth a distinctive theoretical perspective on democratic evolution and consolidation in the late twentieth century. These include strong political institutions, appropriate institutional designs, decentralization of power, a vibrant civil society, and improved economic and political performance. Courtney  [58]  argues that elections are governed by accepted rules and procedures of the political system and it is important for citizens to understand their own electoral system. Sawer  [59]  presents an edited volume on Australian electoral history providing a broad commentary on continuing democratic challenges. Roberts  [60]  provides explanations and analysis of the German federal electoral system; discusses the role of electoral politics in relation to political parties and to the public. Lindberg  [61]  studies elections as a core institution of liberal democracy in the context of newly democratizing countries. He gathers data from every nationally contested election in Africa from 1989 to 2003, covering 232 elections in 44 countries, argues that democratizing nations learn to become democratic through repeated democratic behavior, even if their elections are often flawed. Cowen Laakso  [62]  presents electoral studies of multi-party politics in 14 African countries during the 1990s. Hesseling  [63]  offers theoretical and historical assessments of election observation and evaluates policies and their implementation in specific case studies. Diamond and Plattner  [64]  examines the state of progress of democracy in Africa at the end of the 1990s. The past decades third wave of democratization, the contributors argue, has been characterized by retreats as well as advances. Piombo and Nijzik  [65]  in their edited work give an account of democratic elections in South Africa since April 1994 after her liberation. Norris  [66]  analyses whether there are legitimate grounds for concern about public support for democracy world-wide; or are there political, economic, and cultural factors driving the dynamics of support for democratic government. It shows how citizens in contemporary democracies relate to their governments. Later on, Norris  [67]  focuses on democratic deficits, reflecting how far the perceived democratic performance of any state diverges from public expectations Popkin  [68]  concludes that voters make informed logical choices by analyzing three primary campaigns Carter in 1976; Bush and Reagan in 1980; and Hart, Mondale, and Jackson in 1984 to arrive at a new model of the way voters sort through commercials and sound bites to choose a candidate. Powell  [69]  argues that elections are instrumental in linking the preferences of citizens to the behaviour of policymakers His empirical findings prove that if this is taken as the main function of democratic elections the proportional vision and its designs enjoyed a clear advantage over their majoritarian counterparts in using elections as instruments of democracy.  [70]  Brennan and Lomasky  [71]  offer a compelling challenge to the central premises of the prevailing theories of voting behavior. Niemi and Weiberg  [72]  present collection of essays that explore some of the controversies in the study and understanding of voting behavior. Caplan  [73]  takes a persistent look at how people who vote under the influence of false beliefs ultimately end up with government that delivers miserable results. LeDuc, Niemi and Norris  [74]  in their edited volume provide a broad theoretical and comparative understanding of all the key topics associated with the elections including electoral and party systems, voter choice and turnout, campaign communications, and the new politics of direct democracy. Zuckerman  [75]  in his edited volume uses classic theories to explain individuals political decisions by a range of political scientists; advances theory and method in the study of political behavior and returns the social logic of politics to the heart of political science. Cox  [76]  employs a unified game-theoretic model to study strategic coordination worldwide that relies primarily on constituency-level rather than national aggregate data in testing theoretical propositions about the effects of electoral laws. Norris  [77]  gives a masterpiece of synthesis, original theorizing, and empirical analysis of an impressively large number and variety of cases. This book looks at public opinion data linking attitudes, party choices, and electoral systems in ways that the game theory literature usually fails to come to grips with. Norris combines institutional and survey data from 32 widely different countries to assess the possibilities and limitations of implanting democracy through institutional engineering. Franklin  [78]  demonstrate how voter turnout can serve as an indicator of the health of a democracy, and concludes that declining turnout does not necessarily reflect reductions in civic virtue or increases in alienation. Dalton  [79]  introduces the reader to the knowledge we have of comparative political behavior, and the implications of these findings. The analyses focus on the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and France in a broad cross-national context. Dalton offers the theory that the quality of citizen politics is alive and well whereas the institutions of democracy are in disarray. Further, Dalton  [80]  documents the erosion of political support in virtually all advanced industrial democracies. It traces the current challenges to democracy owing to changing citizen values and rising expectations. The author finds that these expectations are making governing more difficult, but also fueling demands for political reform. Prysby and Books  [81]  examines how and why individual political behavior can be influenced by various contextual characteristics of the locality in which the individual resides, an